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Italy ELCIS (Isis) was established in 1974, as experts in specific industrial sectors, the need to understand the special needs of customers in this area, and give a solution for cost-effective and time-Shuangyou company ELCIS experts in the field as position sensingmore successful way to achieve this. With advanced design concepts in the field of position sensing as well as a wealth of operating experience, ELCIS provide ultra-wide range of high quality standard products in this area, and can be tailor-made products according to customers' special requirements.


I series of incremental encoder

A series of absolute encoder

V-Series electronic handwheel

L-series displacement sensor

M-series magnetic sensor

C Series programmable cam system

D Series digital instrument analog signal

All Industrial automation Products
  • ELCIS Incremental encoder
    ELCIS Incremental encoder
  • ELCIS Position sensor
    ELCIS Position sensor
  • ELCIS Absolute encoder
    ELCIS Absolute encoder
All Electronic devices Products
  • ELCIS Handwheel
    ELCIS Handwheel
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