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Dynapar offers the world's broadest range of encoders, resolvers and accessories for motion feedback control. For 50 years, the four brands of Dynapar have been providing innovative, customized system solutions for virtually any heavy-, industrial, servo- or light-duty application.

We've been able to stay at the forefront of innovation because we listen to you, our customer. You want your products a certain way and we are here to deliver. Our unique customization capabilities mean that no matter your industry, no matter your application, Dynapar will deliver the product that fits your needs perfectly. And with our fast delivery guarantee, you get it right when you need it.

All Industrial automation Products
  • DYNAPAR Heavy Duty Encoder
    DYNAPAR Heavy Duty Encoder
  • DYNAPAR Magnetic absolute encoder
    DYNAPAR Magnetic absolute encoder
  • DYNAPAR QUBE Encoder
    DYNAPAR QUBE Encoder
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