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Thalheim (Thalheim) company founded in 1927 in Leipzig, Germany, is Europe's and the world renowned optical encoder R & D, design and manufacturing companies. Companies adhering to the exquisite strict process standards, for decades has been a large-scale system of European equipment manufacturers encoder important supplier. Main applications in motor speed control and general mechanical engineering position. German THALHEIM Thalheim company's product line is extremely broad, covering almost all major optical encoder common specifications and common interface standards.

All Industrial automation Products
  • THALHEIM Incremental encoder ITD 40 A 4 Y 2
    THALHEIM Incremental encoder ITD 40 A 4 Y 2
  • THALHEIM Incremental encoder ITD 21 A 4 Y10
    THALHEIM Incremental encoder ITD 21 A 4 Y10
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