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Company name Kaji Technology Corporation
Established 1905
Incorporated 1934
Paid-in Capital 1,440,000,000yen
Products line Air and Gas compressor
Textile machinery
Cast Iron Products
President Shiro Kobayashi
Stock listings Osaka Stock Exchange (second section)

Corporate History

1905: Mr. Benji Kaji founded a textile machinery factory in Sakuragawa-cho, Osaka
1934: Incorporated and added Air Compressors in product line
1950: Capital participation by Marubeni Corp. (Joined Marubeni Group)
1962: Listed as a group II company on Osaka Stock Exchange
1968: Designated as High pressure Gas Equipment Testing and Manufacturing Plant by MITI of Japan
1985: Obtained license of gas related welding from Japanese Government
1987: Obtained license of welding related to electronics and nuclear reactors from Japanese Government
1991: Company's name changed to Kaji Technology Corporation from Kaji Iron Works, Ltd
1997: Hold full accreditation of ISO9001
2000: Hold full accreditation of ISO14001

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  • KAJI compressor
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