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Junkosha was founded in 1954 to manufacture and sell polymer products, which drew intense interest as high-technology materials in Japan at the time. Since then, Junkosha has steadfastly pushed ahead with its technology-focused research and development efforts, successfully developing the world's first molten fluorocarbon polymer (FEP) products in 1961 and introducing JUNFLON® FEP tubes and JUNFLON® FEP wires and cables. With the dawning of the computer age, the outstanding electrical characteristics provided by these products—Junkosha's FEP wires and cables in particular—led to wide acceptance in the Japanese market and overwhelming market support. In 1969, Junkosha entered into a technological partnership with W.L. Gore of the United States. This strategic move expanded and enhanced Junkosha's operations in the area of high-performance, highly reliable products and led to the acquisition of new manufacturing technologies for PTFE fluoropolymers.

Junkosha continued to develop and bring to market a succession of unique products that met the needs of the times. These products included oil-leak sensors, coaxial cables for microwave use, medical tubes, ultra-high-speed coaxial cables boasting the world's fastest transmission speeds (95% the speed of light), and micro-coaxial cable assemblies for use in products like laptop computers and mobile phones.

Today, Junkosha develops and sells hyperpolymer products based on fluoropolymers across a wide range of markets. Its products play active roles in leading-edge fields across diverse industries, from electronics to precision machinery to healthcare, as well as energy, the environment, and marine and aerospace.

Advancing unique molding technologies and a one-of-a-kind networked organization

Unique polymer molding technologies help drive progress at Junkosha. Based on unique technologies that integrate polymer science and mechanical, electrical, and electronic engineering, as well as manufacturing equipment designed in-house to make it possible to deploy these technologies, Junkosha delivers high-performance, high-quality products while making daily progress in extrusion, injection, adhesion, lamination, coating, and other molding technologies. Another key factor is a networked organization in which each individual employee thinks and acts creatively to meet customer expectations through organization-wide teamwork. The company structure consists of Efficient Business Units (EBUs), which are effective business units separated by product, and Essential Core Projects (ECPs), which seek to advance business innovations in corporate activities. EBUs and ECPs work together to apply corporate functions and total resources effectively and increase synergies. Organized in this way, Junkosha pursues projects of high creativity at the Kasama Operations Center (KOC), the Yamanashi Operations Center (YOC), the Tokyo Business Office (TBO), and front-office facilities across Japan, as well as at overseas sales companies, with the overall goal of responding to business developments around the world.
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