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Through the Pomini brand, Tenova is worldwide leader in the design and supply of Roll Grinders for flat product rolling mills, as well as of special machines for grinding of heavy components.
The product range of Tenova Pomini embraces heavy, medium and light duty, fully automatic CNC roll grinders, fully automatic CNC roll loaders, roll storage racks, chocking and de-chocking machines for all roll types, able to speed up grinding, handling and maintenance operations and to guarantee the level of precision required by the most sophisticated rolling mills.
The proprietary Pomini Inspektor Plug and Play system is designed and developed internally and is used in steel mills throughout the world to detect surface and subsurface defects by means of Eddy Current and Ultrasound technology.
The constant pursuit of innovation in automation and machine integration for the rolling mill process combined with the precision and reliability that have always distinguished Tenova Pomini, provide its customers with products that represent the highest level in roll grinding worldwide.
Tenova Pomini is certified ISO-9001, ISO-14001 and BS-OHSAS 18001.
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