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HYDAC Mezzovico is the Competence Center of HYDAC INTERNATIONAL for Air Coolers and Cooling Systems.

HYDAC Mezzovico is a specialist manufacturer of air to oil, air to water/glycol and air to air coolers, located at Mezzovico nearby Lugano, Switzerland (Ticino Region), and is part of the HYDAC INTERNATIONAL Group with headquarters in Sulzbach/Saar, Germany.

The HYDAC Group operates globally, selling a broad range of hydraulic precision products and accessories through more than thirty branches and hundreds of distributors, to market in more than hundred countries. These products include pressure accumulators, filtration and fluid conditioning equipment, monitoring, control electronics and hydraulic systems, to name just a few.  

HYDAC Mezzovico started its business in 1988 and quickly gained a reputation for high performance heat exchanger products, tailor made to individual customer specifications and requirements.
The key to the success of HYDAC Mezzovico has always been, building coolers, using the latest technologies in thermal dynamics developed by a young team of bright engineers. The target of design and application is always to meet the industries needs.

In particular during the last five years HYDAC Mezzovico has made numerous improvements in product design and thermal efficiency. This brought the company to be one of the best worldwide in design development.

Customers today have the option with HYDAC Mezzovico of multiple economic solutions due to new designs and significant performance improvements.

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