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our brochures for the Industrial and Hygiene and Toxicology division. ARELCO is also a manufacturer of gas analyser and personal sampling system 

We are well aware that your responsiveness is a fundamental element of your competitiveness. We are currently testing the automation of price quotes and order entry with our technical and logistical center, close to Paris. You will be able to use this option beginning in 2007 for most Arelco products and services.
Beyond that, we give two quality indicators priority under our ISO 9001 commitments:
• Meeting delivery intervals
• Shortening delivery intervals (quotes, services and products)

ur short-term target is to deliver 95% of our orders on time to client sites everywhere. Further, we offer contracts for maintenance in under 24 hours. These are the results of some of our efforts, and I'll have the opportunity to get back to them.
Arelco passed the ATEX and ISO 9001 certifications in 2007 and the ISO 18001 certification in 2008. Our enterprise has therefore led to its very end its global approach aiming at mastering its processes within a unified referential system. It now belongs to a restricted group of European companies capable of bringing to you the highest level of industrial and business confidence. 
All Instrumentation Products
  • ARELCO Oxygen analyzer
    ARELCO Oxygen analyzer
  • ARELCO Gas analyzing system
    ARELCO Gas analyzing system
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